What Are You Reading? Inquiring Minds...
Several of my online connections ask "What Are You Reading?" periodically , and they always get lots of answers. It's interesting to me to see which books others are enjoying, and I like boosting authors' possibilities for more sales by naming my favorite of the moment. FYI: I just finished James Comey's Central Park West and enjoyed it. I LOVED Benjamin Stevenson's book, pictured above, so I went out and bought the second one, Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect. One thing I notice in lists of current reading is the variety of books people choose and enjoy. People I know and like read books I wouldn't even consider. People I don't know recommend books that sound good, so I download a sample to find out if I agree. If I do, I buy the book. If I don't, I go on to other things. But if any author wonders why everyone in the world doesn't love their books, the answer is there. Tastes vary--widely--and a lot of a book's "good&q