
Showing posts with the label historical mystery

Simon & Elizabeth Boxed Up

Last post was about getting the rights to the Simon & Elizabeth series back and re-releasing them with new covers. I went one step farther in the last week and put all four books into one e-book. Better price. All four adventures in one place. Still the same lovable Simon and unstoppable Elizabeth. To quote Publishers' Weekly, "...this historical series shines." Links: Amazon   or Everybody Else

Simon & Elizabeth Redux

My first successful series was the Simon & Elizabeth Mysteries with Five Star Publishing. Going on the "write what you know" advice new writers get, I focused on Elizabeth I of England, one of my favorite historical characters. She had so much going against her as she grew up--I mean, how many girls can say their father had their mother beheaded? In the last decade or so, some authors have (very successfully) attacked Anne Boleyn's character, making her seem like Satan's First Date. I'm afraid that's more drama than historical accuracy, but we all interpret history to suit our own thinking...and some knowingly twist it to make a salacious story. I won't argue the right and wrong of that, since Shakespeare did a lot of the same things to make his stories work. It's just sad to me that those who read only fiction might believe it. Anyway, my series focuses on Anne's daughter Elizabeth, and she's a very sympathetic character. In Her Maje

Everything Old Is New Again

My first published books were with Five Star Publishing, which went out of the mystery business a while back. They were very good to me, but my Simon & Elizabeth Mystery series is now mine again. When an author gets her rights back, it means she can do what she likes with books that were once under someone else's control. It also means that she has to re-do everything: covers, formatting, setup, and publishing. Amazon and Draft2Digital make this less painless, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Still, there are advantages for me and for my readers. First, I get more of the profits. That might not matter to you, but the man in my life approves! Second , I can release the books in paperback. Over the years people mentioned that hardcovers, though nice, are expensive, and I agree. I just didn't have any say in the matter. Third , prices are better. Because I'm doing this as an indie, I set the price for both paperback and e-books. (Haven't looked into audio

30 Days of Christmas Day 12: Author James R. Benn

Since yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day, I got to thinking about WWII, which led me to recall a series my husband and I both enjoy, the Billy Boyle Mysteries by James R. Benn. I planned for Tuesdays in this 30 Days thing to introduce readers to some authors I enjoy who are not big names but perhaps should be, so I thought I'd showcase Mr. Benn. I've never met him, though we've crossed paths a few times online. He's just published a new book, The White Ghost, and while I haven't yet read it, the others have all been worthwhile. Billy Boyle is a soldier in WWII who gets assigned to the investigative services. Even in wartime crimes are committed, and Dwight Eisenhower knows Billy was a cop back home. His adventures take him all over the war theater, and along the way he picks up some memorable friends. If you have a WWII buff on your Christmas list, you might want to look at the first book in the series, Billy Boyle . I also like the '40s look of the covers.

Simon & Elizabeth Are Back

At my signing on Saturday, a reader asked about the next Simon & Elizabeth book. Sometimes I feel like I neglect them, but it's mostly because my publisher accepts the manuscripts and then sets a date for release 20 years in the future. Okay, maybe not 20. Five Star is an excellent publisher, and they have a large number of authors who keep writing more books, so each submitted manuscript is put into a queue. I sent them the fourth in the series in late 2013 and got June 18, 2015, for my release date. Once I've done the work they require, editing, writing cover copy, etc., that leaves me with well over a year to forget the book exists. So if I haven't mentioned my historical series lately, that's why. Book #4 is called HER MAJESTY'S MISCHIEF. Elizabeth is now queen, (hence "Her Majesty") and she wants Simon to go to Scotland and form an honest appraisal of Mary, Queen of Scots. The "mischief" in the title might refer to Mary and her plo