
Showing posts with the label finding new books

I Think I've Got It

BEFORE I FORGET YET AGAIN: Now is your best chance to find my entire ebook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my books and many more at all month! #SWSale2024 #Smashwords FAKE, my new mystery, is with the copy editor after MAJOR revisions done on the advice of my content editor. While beta readers and critics alike loved the story, editors aren't paid to love anything. My editor, SS, admits she loved the book too, but she felt the story was told out of sequence. That meant a LOT of shifting paragraphs and chapters around, which means I have to be careful to make sure everything that needs to be in there is, and it's where it needs to be. Though there were times during the revisions when I wanted to pull out all my hair, I saw in each instance that SS was right. Yes, this chapter would be clearer if Jo narrated it. Yes, this phone call is more telling if it occurs in

New Reader Site Hits the Target

 Though I'm not sure how, I recently heard about The people there are trying to change the way we find new books to read online, and I'm all for that. When you type in "mystery" or "crime fiction" in most book-finding sites (like Amazon), you get a list of the 8 or 10 biggest-selling writers, like James Patterson, Michael Connelly, and Janet Evanovitch. The problem with that is that telling me Michael Connelly has a new book is useless. I've already bought it, read it, and passed it on to a friend. Also, some of those big names don't interest me, for a variety of reasons. I'd like new suggestions, new authors to try, but it's hard to choose, and the list goes on forever, with no hints as to which ones I'll really like. Enter Right now, things are in the beginning stages, but the site categorizes books with a clever teaser: "The Best Books about..." You can search by title or author and along with the