Authors Recommending Books
I got interested in, Ben Shepherd's attempt to help readers connect with authors through recommendations, over a year ago. Authors get their books on the site by telling readers about stories with similar themes. I compared my book, Sister Saint, Sister Sinner, to others with sisters as the main characters and sisterhood as a theme. You can see the complete post HERE. The cool thing about this site is you search by the kinds of books you like to read, so you don't need titles or author names to locate books you might enjoy. Today is my day to be featured on a new endeavor as Ben lets authors list their 3 favorite books read in the last year. It was difficult to choose 3 books, since I read a lot, but I tried for a variety. I copied the image above, but you can also see it at You can see the overall results at Shepherd's Best Books of 2023 page