A Conference for Writers
I'm a member of EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Coalition. I've only been to this conference once, but it was productive, and I love San Antonio. They're a great group, so I told them I'd help with publicity. (TA-DA!) Please join us in the lovely city of San Antonio, Texas for EPICon 2015 *EPICon- Bringing ePublishing Partners Together* March 13-14th, 2015 The Menger Hotel, San Antonio, TX Sponsored by the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Enjoy two days of all things ePublishing. With workshops for any author or publishing professional, this short period will be packed with information, news, and most importantly: education. Authors, old and new, will have the opportunity to learn about small press ePublishing and network with publishers, editors, and experienced published authors. For 2015, we have a full schedule of educational and informative workshops for authors and publishers, with gu