
Freebie Day 3: April 13, 2015

Her Majesty’s Mischief Want 2 free copies of this book? I'm giving away two books each day until the release of the 3rd Dead Detective Mystery, DEAD FOR THE SHOW, on April 20. The books are mixed up, so if you want a specific title, watch this spot daily until the one you want shows up. Then respond here or on Peg’s News on Facebook to be entered in the daily drawing. Yesterday's winner is  Lori C.N. Congratulations!   NOTE: This one isn’t out yet, so you’ll have to wait until I get copies, May-ish. Book #4 of the Simon & Elizabeth series Setting: Tudor London & Scotland Elizabeth I sends her loyal friend Simon to Scotland to bring back an honest assessment of Mary, Queen of Scots. While Simon’s away, his wife and son get into hot water trying to solve a murder. Nobody has a good time for a while, but things work out in the end. Check out DEAD FOR THE SHOW on Amazon, where it's

Freebie Day 2: April 12, 2015

Winner of Yesterday's books: Victoria K. 3 Sleuths, 2 Dogs, 1 Murder Want 2 free copies of this book? Respond here or on Peg’s News on Facebook to be entered in the daily drawing. Book #1 of the Sleuth Sisters Series by Maggie Pill (AKA Peg) Setting: Allport, MI, a town seems a lot like a blend of Alpena and Rogers City When middle-aged sisters Faye and Barb start a detective agency in their small town, most people think it’s a joke. Only Baby Sister Retta wants to associate with them, and since she tends to be bossy and manipulative, she’s the one person they don’t want around.

Freebie Day 1: April 11, 2015

The Dead Detective Agency Want 2 free copies of this book? Respond here or on Peg’s News on Facebook to be entered in the daily drawing. Book #1 of the Dead Detective series Setting: Grand Rapids, MI Tori can hardly believe it when she wakes up dead. The Afterlife is nice, but she really wants to know why someone would murder the secretary at an investments firm. The solution to her problem? Get a dead detective and launch an investigation. NOTE: This is one of the two that will be re-released this summer with a different cover. Same book, new edition, so watch the titles.