
Water, Water Everywhere...

Songs that mention water or bodies of same. 1. "____ River" Suicide spot? 2. "How High's the Water, ___?" Family discussion 3. "____Lake" The place to be for summer sun 4. "Moonlight ___" Voices singing about sticking around 5. "A Sleepy ___" Night on a tropical island Answers: 1. Moody 2. Momma 3. Indian 4. Bay 5. Lagoon

Writers Are Nice People

Newcomers to writing often comment on how nice everyone is. Writers give each other advice. We share successes and failures. We explain the piece we're presently working on (sometimes in too much detail) with little thought that someone will "steal" our ideas. (You can try, but it will still be a ton of work for you.) In a field where every new book adds to the dizzying amount of competing works, one might think that writers would hide their secrets, keep the means of success to themselves when (if) they stumble on it, and perhaps even mislead naive newbies in order to send them in the wrong direction. That doesn't happen. Maybe because of how difficult it is to get published, most writers feel an empathy with others that causes them to ignore the prospective competition and give advice that's as helpful as possible. Have a question for an author? Just ask. It's likely she will share what she knows (unless she has a deadline looming). Why are we so nice? Wh
Fill in the titles to songs that ask the burning question: WHY? 1. "Why __  __ __ __ Love?" Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers 2. "Why __ __ __ __ You?" Reba 3. "Why __ __ __ You?" Showboat 4. "Why __ __ __...?" My Fair Lady 5. "Why __ __ __ __?" War Answers: 1. "Why Do Fools Fall in Love?" 2. "Why Haven't I Heard from You?" 3. "Why Do I Love You?" 4. "Why Can't the English...?" 5. "Why Can't We Be Friends?"

Help! I'm Buried Under Edits

I've been slogging through edits of the second Maggie Pill Sleuth Sisters book, which for me means listening to one computer read the book aloud while I make corrections on a second computer. (It's complicated.) I was doing pretty well (halfway) when I opened my e-mail and found the copy-edited MS for the fourth Simon & Elizabeth book, Her Majesty's Mischief , with a deadline for its return. Deadlines make me nervous, and I'm tempted to drop my current task and work on the new one. I can do this. Hanging over my head somewhere is the third Dead Detective book, Dead for the Show . The publisher told me they'd like to get it out before the end of 2014 or at the very latest, early 2015. That means the copy-edits for that book should be showing up soon, too. I really can do this. Copy-edits aren't that bad. The big changes have already been made, so I just have to look at little mistakes they found and okay changes. For example, I had a character placing hi


1. An Irishman with a short temper "...left the barber shop with tonic on his hair..." 2. A chick in a black bikini who "must be a magic genie." 3. A sound effect in a novelty song about a mysterious item nobody wants around. 4. About a girl whose "shoes paddy-whack in the front and the back..." 5. "Hallelujah--the question is peculiar..." Answers: 1. "Clancy Lowered the Boom" 2. "Chick-A-Boom"     3. "The Thing" 4. "Chicka-Boom" 5. "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?"

Rhymes with 'Remember'

Songs that mention September: 1. "Oh, it's a long, long time, from May to December..." 2. "I'll be alone each and every night, while you're away, don't forget to write." 3. "Do you remember?" 4. "...when you were a tender and callow fellow." 5. "Stay for just a while..." Answers: 1. "September Song" Frank Sinatra 2. "See you in September" The Happenings www. you 3. "September" Earth, Wind & Fire 4. "Try to Remember" Jerry Orbach!! 5. "September Morn" Neil Diamond www. youtube .com/watch?v=aVLonpBtkH0

They Come in Threes

Each song has to do with three. 1. "We do everything alike/ We look alike/We walk alike, we talk alike, and what is more we hate each other very much... 2. "And what I feel in my heart, they say sincerely..." 3. "Thanks for the times that you've given me..." 4. "...we've danced the whole night through..." 5. "Hey, girl, what you doin' down there?"  Answers: 1. "Triplets" 2. "Three Little Words" 3. "Three Times a Lady" 4. "Three O'clock in the Morning"  5. "Knock Three Times" www. youtube .com/watch?v=k7Jvsbcxunc (I'm willing to bet Tony HATES this video!)