Bad Song Bits

To make this a quiz, you might figure out who was guilty of these vocal missteps. You might also list a few of your (least) favorites in the comments.

1. Adultery romanticized  "Me and Mrs. Jones"
2. Neglectful husband hits on secretary "Take a Letter, Maria"
3. Man expects furniture to be sentient  "I Am, I Said" (No one heard, not even the chair!)
4. Man blames wrong body part  "Careless Whispers" (We bet is wasn't his feet that were guilty of cheating.)
5. Worst verb usage ever "Play Me"  ("Songs she brang to me"...Really?)

1. Billy Paul
2. R.B. Greaves
3. Neil Diamond
4. George Michael
5. Neil again...He's got tons of hits, and then some that make you go "What???"


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