Are You an Audiobook Person?

There are things we hear discussed among readers today, and one of them is electronic versus print books for reading. People say things like, "I want a book in my hand," or "E-books are so much more convenient."
I'm okay with both. I like reading on my iPad when I travel, my Kindle at bedtime, and a "real" book anytime, anywhere.
The other question is "Do you listen to books?"
To that one I have to say no, or at least, not yet.
I'm a fast reader, and I doubt I'd be happy with the slow pace of someone reading to me. I'm also a wool-gatherer, so I'd probably zone out when something interesting caught my eye. So I haven't done the audio thing yet.


I have to listen to my own books in order to okay them for release on, Amazon's audio book company. It's been an enjoyable experience, and it gave me a different perspective on the book, the story, and the protagonist.

Most recent was the first Loser Mystery, KILLING SILENCE. The actress my producer chose does a great job with Loser, a street person with a flat affect due to the trauma she's experienced. I was afraid that too much flatness would make the reading boring, but Karisa Bruin does an outstanding job, making Loser's personality come through with understanding and humor.

Karisa is currently at work on the second book, KILLING MEMORIES. While I'm not an audiophile yet, I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with Loser as she begins her crawl back to normalcy.

You can find KILLING SILENCE here, in all three forms: print, e-book, and audio.


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