30 Days of Christmas Day 12: Author James R. Benn

Billy Boyle: A World War II Mystery (Billy Boyle World War II Mystery Book 1)Since yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day, I got to thinking about WWII, which led me to recall a series my husband and I both enjoy, the Billy Boyle Mysteries by James R. Benn. I planned for Tuesdays in this 30 Days thing to introduce readers to some authors I enjoy who are not big names but perhaps should be, so I thought I'd showcase Mr. Benn.
I've never met him, though we've crossed paths a few times online. He's just published a new book, The White Ghost, and while I haven't yet read it, the others have all been worthwhile.

Billy Boyle is a soldier in WWII who gets assigned to the investigative services. Even in wartime crimes are committed, and Dwight Eisenhower knows Billy was a cop back home. His adventures take him all over the war theater, and along the way he picks up some memorable friends.

If you have a WWII buff on your Christmas list, you might want to look at the first book in the series, Billy Boyle.

I also like the '40s look of the covers.


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