Not a New Book--Just a New Look!

From time to time, authors pick up on readers' opinions, either directly ("I hate that cover!") or indirectly ("That sounds too scary for me.") I learned from listening that readers didn't consider one of my books because the cover looked dark and the title seemed harsh.
Hence, a new title and a new cover:

The old title was GO HOME AND DIE, and the old cover looked a little like a thriller, with two figures silhouetted against a city skyline. At the time I thought it was okay, but when I looked at the book honestly, it's more girl meets boy, grows up a little, and solves a murder along the way.
If you haven't tried it, here's the link so you can download a sample and see if HER EX-GI P.I. doesn't bring back some '60s memories for you.

Here's what you might want to know about Peg and her work:

Writes: Mysteries, mostly. There's suspense and death but no graphic violence, sex, or language.

Unique Qualities: In each book/series, the characters have an interesting view of the world. Though single, small-town females who just opened a small business is all the rage for protagonists, but I don't find that interesting unless something more about their character makes me want to get to know them. So yes, I have written books about small-town women, but the stories explore their character, their relationships, and their personalities along with a puzzling mystery.

Recognition: Authors these days love to tell how they're Amazon Bestsellers and such. I've received those kinds of benchmarks and more, but my favorite thing is when a reader contacts me to say, "I loved that book!"

Current projects: I've been updating my books online, making the links better and refining the wording. It should be done every couple of years, since technology keeps changing, but it's an exhaustive process! Now I'm on to something new--just not sure what that will be yet.

Cutesy facts about me that readers will love:
Hmmm. There's the 22-year-old cat, of course. She's very lovable except for last Friday night when she brought a live mouse to me when I was asleep in bed. Result: chaos for one human, one feline, and one (now deceased) rodent.

We live in northern Lower Michigan, where the daffodils are braving our cold spring quite well.→→→→→→→→→→→

I have the love of my life (well, the last 47 years of it), banging around downstairs as I write this. Here he is at a Tigers spring training game.

 And of course I love books, not all at the same level, but still. Here are my personal categories.
 ðŸŒŸ: Don't care about these people: 20 pages max
 ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ: Might care: Finished but no more from this author
🌟🌟🌟: The end is worth working for, but it might take me a while and others books in between
🌟🌟🌟🌟: Oh, I like this one! Bedtime delayed.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟: Did I remember to eat today?

A "Good Book" recommendation from my recent reading: .
Currently reading:

Started Dennis Lehane's SINCE WE FELL. Gripping, though I fear tragedy awaits. Same with Anne Perry's SHOULDER THE SKY, a WWI story.  I'll read on in both cases, depression or no!


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