New Life for a Book

One of the things authors need to recognize is that books don't just take off and become bestsellers. Some lie around for months, even years, waiting to be noticed. We're encouraged not to neglect our backlists, but it's difficult when there's something "NEW! NEW! NEW!" to talk about. That's been the case with the Loser series, which ended a couple of years ago.

Killing Silence is one of my favorites among my books. I love the protagonist, Loser, who is homeless and damaged but not down and out. The idea that homeless people are counted out of society, ignored by most and assumed to be incapable of paying attention, makes her a perfect sleuth.

The publisher of this series has decided to make Killing Silence free on Kindle for May 29-31. I'm really excited about this, since I think freebies are a great way to introduce a book to new readers.

If you've already read the book, you can help by passing the news on to your Kindle-reading friends. If you haven't, here's a chance to meet a unique character. Some get the impression the book is "dark" but that isn't true. While Loser begins in a bad place, the story traces her reclaiming herself as a person. Still, it scares some. At a library talk last week a woman confessed that she'd been reluctant to begin it, though it came highly recommended. "I thought, it wasn't my thing," she told me. "But you really get wrapped up in the story."

Aha! That was my plan all along. Once you get to know Loser, you'll want to read the other two books in the series--which will make both me and my publisher happy.

It's also available in print and audio. Just not free :(



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